HADFIELD JONES is a consultancy built on experience and excellence in reaching developers. We help companies, from startup to global, understand, build, run, promote and measure their developer programs.

Where did we come from? Bruce Jones and Jeff Hadfield have known each other for years in the industry, from business dealings to speaking at the same conferences. When they had the opportunity to work together, they were excited to do so. As Jeff put it, “Bruce has years of experience building, launching and running world-class developer programs — and mastering developer evangelism. For the last two decades, I’ve been working on the media side, working on content, developer marketing and keeping a close eye on trends. Our strengths and experience complement each other, and combine to help our clients with every aspect of a developer program.”

As software becomes increasingly essential to our world, so do software and app developers. Thus, developers become essential to nearly every company’s success. Bruce Jones and Jeff Hadfield see the demand for developers increasing — yet developer program management, developer evangelism and developer marketing remain relatively new disciplines. HADFIELD JONES was founded to help people in companies of all sizes build developer programs and conduct developer outreach in intelligent, sustainable and effective ways.

Bruce and Jeff, co-authors of the forthcoming book, Developer Program Excellence, bring their combined decades of experience in developer programs, developer marketing and content development to help companies of all sizes reach developers effectively. In their careers, they’ve worked with companies such as Google, Ford, HTC, Intel, Verifone, Amazon, Sprint, Adobe, Microsoft, Sony, eBay, PayPal, Visa, ESRI, Facebook, Cisco, AT&T, and hundreds more achieve success in the developer market.
